Thursday, October 27, 2011

Proposed Revision of Rules and Regulations

NOTE:    The original Rules and Regulations were simply a generic document used for countless condos and contained references to things which did not/do not apply to our condo.  Examples are references to hallways, elevators, hot tubs, laundry rooms etc. 

This is that same document with deletions of those sections which have no application to Nautilus Cove Condo.  No changes to the document other than common sense deletions and slight changes in grammer have been made. 

In October 2010 and also at the January 2011 AGM the BOD was provided copies of this 'new' document with the hope that it would be incorporated into the NCC documents and replace the one now in place.  It has been posted here since last October.

Unfortunately no action has been taken to adopt the revised document.  I had hoped that once the Board of Directors became a board controlled by the Owners that we would have a Board that would actually 'do something', wrong assumption.

Below are 3 versions of the RRs, first is the 'corrected copy', second is the old version, in a format which will allow you to cut and paste and 3rd is the old copy from the large white binder given to Owners at purchase.  So to recap, first is the proposed new document and the next 2 are the 'old' (ie:  current) version in 2 different formats.

Final Edition of Proposed Rules and Regulations